Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lazy Saturday

As I've probably mentioned before, I love Saturdays.  I still have most of the weekend ahead of me, I can relax, and generally do whatever the fuck I want.  I love it.  Sundays, on the other hand, seem to get progessively more depressing as the day wears on.  I feel guilt over all the crap I said I'd do over the weekend and didn't, and I start to go into pre-work-week depression mode.  I waste half of my Sunday dreading Monday.  Where am I going with this?  Actually, nowhere, but I just saw a KFC commercial for their new Sunday $10 bucket-o'-chicken deal talking about how awesome Sundays are, and I felt the need to vocalize my disagreement because Sundays completely blow.  I'll give props to the KFC marketing department though because now I totally want to go to KFC tomorrow to get myself a bucket of fried drumsticks.

Aside from dreaming about fried chicken, things are mostly alright on the WW front.  I used a smattering of weeklies last night but Friday is usually when I use most of them anyway.  I went to Body Sculpt this morning and then did 40 minutes on the treadmill.  I briefly thought about posting my menus for today and tomorrow on here, but then remembered that my weekend eating is really nothing I should be sharing with the world.  My GHGs go out the window and there's little semblance of nutritive value of any kind, so I'll mostly just keep the specifics on the DL.  However, I will share that I'm driving 60 miles round-trip tomorrow to go to the closest Red Robin (never been- probably should keep it that way, but it's a long story).  And I'm currently ingesting some Kraft mac and cheese as fast as I can get it from the bowl into my mouth.  Here's what it looked like before I started ravaging it:

It was delicious and obviously having my camera next to me to capture this moment has added immensely to the quality of this post.  The mac is Spongebob-shaped, in case you were wondering.  I don't really care for Spongebob in general, but I require that my Kraft mac & cheese be in fun-shaped varieties rather than the traditional elbows or curleycues.  It just works better with the fork, no?

That's about it for my day.  I'll probably lounge around in sweats watching TV and thinking about what I should be doing instead, but never actually do it.  I apologize if you've actually lost brain cells while perusing this blog entry.  Have a great weekend, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Allison, I love your blog! I feel like you could be writing about my life, haha. Yup, I rarely share my weekend menus either because I rarely, if ever, focus on eating anything with any nutritional value. Yesterday, I had beer, a bloody mary, and a random assortment of appetizers, haha.

    Also, I'm with you about the Sundays dread. I hate 'em too.
