So, the new drain came out at my appointment on Friday
morning. I had mixed feelings about that
because of course I wanted that nasty sack of death out of my body, but it was
also what helped me go from feeling like shit to being a functional human being
again. So, I was feeling pretty paranoid
on Friday about how my body would adjust, and then Friday night the paranoia
got worse when I noticed my body noticeably more swollen than it was that
morning. When I first heard of the
concept of swelling after surgery I pictured something like bloating, like that
blah stuffed feeling after a big meal, but it’s totally its own beast that I
can’t really describe. The stomach feels hard and the skin feels pulled tight
and it’s just an odd feeling. I should also add, my concerns weren’t aesthetic-
I know that swelling is temporary and doesn’t reflect how I’ll look later. Swelling is also totally normal but given how
my body reacted to it the last time, I was mildly panicking that it was the
beginning of the end. Again.
Then I woke up on Saturday and it was exactly the day I
needed to have and which totally validated my decision to have surgery. Two weeks ago I was like, FUCK SURGERY. Saturday I was like, should I get my tits
done?! I felt amazing and energetic, the
swelling had gone down, and I was thrilled with how things looked when I took
off my binder to shower. Here are some updated pics from Saturday morning.
Aside from being very pleased with the shape, I can't believe how nice the left
side of my incision looks (the right side is where he re-opened it to put the
drain back in, so that will take a bit longer to heal). The random
marks/discoloration are from the tape holding the gauze on which is a total
bitch to get off, but I think all of the bruising is totally gone.
(Please don't judge the fugly underwear. I had my mom get me some of the biggest ugliest underoos she could find, like legit grocery store 3-pack of Hanes briefs, to wear when I had the drains in. OK fine, judge me anyway, I do too.)
was already happy with how things looked but then had to press my luck further
by weighing myself and was really excited to see that I was down almost 10
pounds from the morning of surgery. Some of that is probably from the skin
removed and some of that is probably the result of not being able to overeat
(and not going out to eat/drink for a month) so it may go back up a little bit
now that I can actually eat and binge drink again, which I completely expect. I
know I should avoid the scale for another couple of weeks since that money will
fluctuate, but it still felt good to see. THEN, I decided to try on my normal
jeans over my binder to see how that would go. I had tried on a pair of work
pants a size bigger than my normal about 10-11 days after surgery and between
the binder and the swelling, they were snug. Last week I was able to get back
into normal work clothes, and then on Saturday my normal jeans were a little
loose even with the binder on, so that felt amazing.
I definitely went out and enjoyed myself way more than I have in a long time
this weekend (i.e. drank all day and blacked out around 10 pm) so I’m pretty
exhausted from that, but otherwise feeling very good and very excited about
things. Let’s hope it stays that way!
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