Monday, May 9, 2016

Monthly hello

Apparently I started writing this post a few weeks ago and, SHOCKING, never posted it.  So I'll just keep what I've got going since lord how knows it might take me if I start from scratch again.


Hmm my post title probably sounds like some creepy name for getting your period, but no. It's just been 5ish weeks so I might as well blast out an update.  Except I don't really have any exciting updates so it's more like, here are some words.

I fucked up my back in some manner or another about a month ago, just before Easter.  It started out as a general mild soreness which I figured was yet another byproduct of my shitty softball swing or my inability to stay upright in flag football or perhaps questionable form in burpees.  I'm still not really sure where things went wrong but a few days later it had become pretty obnoxious and kept me out of the gym for 5 days before it mostly got better, then got much worse.  Last Tuesday I had to stomp out of a HIIT class early after doing god knows what to my back leaving me in terrible pain, then cried for the duration of the 20 minute drive home before not being able to sleep at all because laying in bed was such an uncomfortable beast.  Getting old is stupid.

I went to my PCP and then a spine doctor and I'm awaiting an MRI, but it has gotten a bit better since last Tuesday so that I'm at least able to run and hike and do a few lower impact things until I know what's what.  I also got a cold/strep situation last week that I'm trying to clear which is mostly just of lot of ugly throaty coughing, but sleeping through the night is overrated anyway, isn't it?


Anyway to build on that, even 2 weeks later I still don't have my MRI results nor has my dumb cough/cold/strep/allergies/AIDS gone away.  So basically, the last 2 weeks have been a wash in the medical improvement arena.  My workouts have been limited to running and lifting, not sure when kickboxing might be back in the picture again.

Surgery is exactly a month from today.  I've kind of forgotten about it and partly debated whether to even have it, at least right now, but I want to just get that shit over with.  And I paid the balance today so now this bitch is happening whether I like it or not.  I'm excited for it to be like, 3 weeks post-surgery when I have the hopefully svelte new thighs but none of the drama or recovery, which I'm currently not in the mood to deal with.  My sister, god love her, is a drama queen and thinks this is unnecessary and I'm a surgery addict or some such, so I haven't even told her it's for sure happening but I'm sure her opinion will be a tediously long and unsolicited one.

Nothing much else in my world!  At least related to the limited and uninteresting topics of weight loss, calorie counting and the like.  I'll update again eventually, at the latest shortly after I have surgery and have a shit ton of free time.

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